The information of property tax is important either for you who have had a property or you who have a plane to buy a property. If you have a property in Hennepin County or you have a plan to buy a property in Hennepin County, you are able to get information about property tax in the website of Hennepin County Minnesota that can be accessed at
What is property taxes? Some of you may not know about it. Property taxes are your share of the total cost of local government and they will be used to assist to support a variety of valuable resources in the county, cities and schools. The county of Hennepin is committed to managing that share wisely and transparently. The taxes of property are due on May 15 and October 15. If the date falls on a weekend or holiday, so the taxes are due on the next business day. You are able to use the property tax penalty rate schedule link the Related Pages area. Hennepin County offers three ways to pay your property taxes online.
What are they? They are e-check, direct debit and credit or debt card. Here is the explanation about them.
- E-check. If you pay your property taxes through e-check, there is no cost because this is a fully automated electronic payment system which can permit you to pay taxes over the internet. If you use this secure e-check, it can saves postage and mailing hassles. It is a one-time payment of taxes directly from your checking or savings account.
- Direct Debit. This method will permit you to sign up to have your property tax payments automatically withdrawn twice a year from your checking or savings account on a recurring basis. This method does not offer quarterly or monthly withdrawals. You need to know that this payment method is not presently available for manufactured home properties or personal property.
- Credit or Debit Card. This means that you are able to pay your property taxes with Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover credit cards or with Visa or MasterCard debit cards through Paymentus Corporation. You are able to use Paymentus or their automated phone system at 1-877-626-0017 to make a payment. If you use this method, you need to know that all credit cards and MasterCard debit card will be subject to a 2.29% service free. Besides, a Visa debit card will be subject to a flat fee of $3.95.
You may be curious why Hennepin County charge a fee for credit card transactions. You need to know that the fees are charged by the company they use to handle credit card transactions. Then, it is also important to know that Hennepin County does not charge a fee nor does it get any of the fee amounts charged to you. Then, you may want to know whether there are any other payment options that we can use that do not charge a fee. The answer is that there are no fees associated with the other payment options. If you want to know more about property tax of Hennepin County, you are able to visit its official website.