Zillow will help you to find the latest real estate listings of Sumter, South Carolina. The site works by analyzing information on thousands of single family homes for sales in Sumter, South Carolina and across the United State, it will calculate the home values, which is also known as Zestimates, and the Zillow Home Value Price Index for Sumter proper, its neighborhoods and surrounding areas.
Currently, there are 628 for sale listings that in Sumter, South Carolina, including condos, bank owned homes, short sales, townhomes, duplexes, land and luxury listings. For those who are looking for listings to rent in Sumter, South Carolina, you can check out the extensive list of luxury apartments and townhomes. Zillow makes it easy to find the dream home by filtering the types of home, price and size. In addition, filtering with keyword search is also possible such as “waterfront” or “stainless steel appliances” homes in Sumter.
As stated in the previous paragraph, there are 628 for sale listings in Sumter, South Carolina. The top 5 of the most expensive ones is the type of lot or land. At number one, there is a lot or a land that costs $7,400,000. It is a 56.1 ac lot that is located at 2801 Broad St, Sumter, South Carolina. The second most expensive is named CENTURY 21 Hawkins & Kolb. This 374.0 ac lot is located at 1991 Stamey Livestock Rd, Sumter, SC. The price of this one is half of the first one. It is about $4,498,320. As for the cheapest, the listings is full of the one that in auction or pre-foreclosure. If you are interested in this kind of homes for sale, please sign in to Zillow for details.
Then, how to look for latest real estate listings of Sumter, South Carolina by yourself. it is easy and simple. The first thing that you have to do is to open the official website of Zillow. When you are in the hompage, you will be able to see some categories to find your way home. As you are looking for homes for sale, then you need to select “Buy”. Then, enter the address, the neighborhood, the city or the ZIP code that you are looking for. After hitting the blue Search button, the results will be shown. Looking for homes for sale listings will not require you to log in to the site. However, you have to log in if you want to purchase or to know the details.
If any of the aspects mentioned above such as the type, the size, the location, the facilities, and the price does not meet your will, one of the alternatives is renting a place instead of buying one. In order to look for real estate listings for rent, the method is similar as looking for sale. The only different is changing the category from “Buy” to “Rent”. Zillow will always help you to find the perfect rental in Sumter, South Carolina. You are also able to be more specific by filtering the price, the size, the square footage, cheapest price, and more.