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In 1821, St. Johns County was established. This county is one of th two original counties which was established after Florida was ceded to the United States. This county is located in Florida, United States and it is part of the Jacksonville metropolitan area. St Augustine is its county seat and the largets incorporated city. Based on 2010 United States Census, the population of this county was 190,039.

Talk about St. Johns County, you may come here because you need some information about St. Johns County Property Appraiser. There is St. Johns County Property Appraiser website that you are able to access at www.sjcpa.us. In that site, you are able to get a lot of information related to property such as tax roll information, exemptions, property values and many others. They have a primary goal to provide service which is outstanding to the citizens of St. John County while making a tax roll which is fair, equitable and accurate as well.

When you visit the website of St. Johns County Property Appraiser website, you are able to find a lot of menu and one of them is Property Appraiser’s Budget. Based on the information in that page, the budget is divided into 4 general categories and it includes personal services, operating expenses, operating capital outlay and non-operating expenses. What are the differences among them? The explanation is in the list below.

  • Personal Sevices includes expenditures for wages, insurance, social security, retirement and more.
  • Operating Expenses includes all costs that are connected to day-to-day operation of the office; equipment maintenance and repair, postage, supplies and legal advertisements and more.
  • Operating Capital Outlay includes all one-time expenditures for additional or replacement equipment like data processing equipment, copiers, office furniture and more.
  • Non-Operating Expenses includes unexpected or unknown emergencies and reserve funds for particular goals that are probable yet unresolved.

In the site, you are also able to find information about Exemption. The statutes of Florida provide a lot of exemptions and land classifications which can reduce the taxable value of properties for eligible filers. Besides, there are also other exemptions based on how a property is used. Some of the more common of these exemptions are religious, charitable, scientific, or literary exemptions, exemptions for non-profit homes for the aged, educational exemptions, hospitals and nursing homes, affordable housing exemptions and historic exemptions.

You need to know that your homestead exemption will renew automatically every year as long as you qualify with the eligibility requirements set fourth by Chapter 196, Florida Statutes. There are three of the most common ways that you may jeopardize your homestead exemption inadvertently. First, you rent your property for more than 30 days per calendar year, for two consecutive years. Second, you maintain or obtain an out of state residency based tax exemption, benefit, reduction, credit and more. Third, you maintain or obtain a driver’s license in any other state. There are still much information that you can get from the site. So, visit the site now and find the information that you need.